Instagram Shifting Focus From Likes To Content Is Great For Brands And Influencers

Instagram is currently testing hiding post likes in seven countries. The new test feature allows you to see who liked your posts, but no-one else will be able to. Nfluential founder and Chief Strategist Anne Dolinscheck shares her thoughts on this. In a Twitter thread, Instagram said that they wanted users to focus on photos and videos, not the number of likes. [...]

By |2019-07-26T10:47:24+02:00July 26th, 2019|Advertising news, Marketing|Comments Off on Instagram Shifting Focus From Likes To Content Is Great For Brands And Influencers

WordStream Gives Tips On Google And Facebook Ads Optimisation

WordStream recently hosted a webinar in which Conor Bond, Content marketer at WordStream, focused on Google Ads and Holly Niemiec, Account Manager at WordStream, discussed Facebook Ads optimisation. Google Ads Align your messaging with the customer journey Adverts on Google are triggered by search query, therefore advertisers who are targeting a keyword that matches to the query get a hit. Keywords [...]

By |2019-07-26T10:47:00+02:00July 26th, 2019|Advertising news|Comments Off on WordStream Gives Tips On Google And Facebook Ads Optimisation

Social Media Is Decreasing Brand Relevance

According to Estelle Nagel, Marketing Manager: Gumtree SA, when social media first hit the radar of marketers, the possibilities seemed endless. Finally, marketing would be a true two-way conversation. Instead of speaking at consumers, marketers would speak with them. Advertisers praised the ability to narrowly target groups based on their interests and customer service embraced the new, instant channel (perhaps a [...]

By |2019-07-24T15:45:31+02:00July 24th, 2019|Advertising news|Comments Off on Social Media Is Decreasing Brand Relevance
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