Podcasting Is A Very Different Game From Others That Brands Have Played Before

Jon Savage, a director at InBroadcasting, a division of HaveYouHeard, says podcasting has recently experienced dramatic growth in Africa, fuelled – like so many innovations on the continent – by the rapid development and adoption of mobile technology, better and broader internet access and, more recently, the overload of available content and more ‘downtime’ caused by the pandemic. To date, the [...]

By |2021-05-31T09:14:10+02:00May 31st, 2021|Industry news|0 Comments

Use Digital Signage To Tell Your Brand Story

Grant Kruger, Business Lead ID/IT at LG Electronics South Africa, says deciding to add digital signage to your company’s marketing strategy will give you an exciting and unique way to tell your brand story. Of course, the use of social media, print and TV are still effective forms of marketing, however, when it comes to simplicity and cost-effectiveness, digital signage is [...]

By |2021-05-24T17:16:16+02:00May 24th, 2021|Digital Signage|0 Comments

Businesses Need To Keep Up With Empowered And Digitally-Savvy Customers

Futures Strategist, John Sanei, says that traditionally the customer/business interaction was more about value exchange and less about establishing and retaining a long-term relationship. But, for the first time in our recent history, Covid-19 has forced corporates to shift their attention from the bottom line to retaining customers. Without a customer who trusts you, as many companies have discovered, you no [...]

By |2021-05-24T17:13:05+02:00May 17th, 2021|Customer Experience (CX)|0 Comments

A Diversified Mix Of Digital Channels Is Key To Maximising Reach

Shaun Frazao, Head of Digital and Content at Wavemaker South Africa, says digital channels offer great reach. However, everything you know about digital reach is wrong.  In its essence, an effective media plan ensures that you reach as much of the right audience as possible in the most cost-effective way. Driving engagement, building affinity and […]

By |2021-05-10T09:01:05+02:00May 5th, 2021|Industry news|0 Comments

Building A Strong Digital Marketplace Strategy Is Not Optional

Haydn Townsend, Managing Director at Accenture Interactive Africa, says small, agile companies are enjoying great success in digital marketplaces. As digitally native businesses that can evolve on the fly, these brands are capitalising on the multitude of shoppers on the likes of Amazon, Alibaba, click and collect models and food delivery ecosystems. However, a disruptive […]

By |2021-05-10T09:01:16+02:00May 3rd, 2021|Industry news|0 Comments
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